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STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education is in high demand, a wonderful blend of curiosity, creativity and challenge. The Lanier High School Center for Design and Technology (CDAT) - a Georgia STEM-certified program - provides opportunities for students to gain the knowledge and skills required for careers in the areas of:

  • Interactive Design
  • Game Development
  • Biotechnology
  • Competitive Mathematics
  • Science Research and Methodology
  • 2 and 3 D Creation and Animation
  • Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
  • Robotics and Control Systems
  • Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing
  • Software Development including Mobile Apps
  • and more as local/state industry demands

The programs offered at Lanier CDAT utilize creative expression and professional production skills and techniques as a means to develop mastery of core subject knowledge. Critical thinking, communication and problem solving skills are a core part of every project or task, and based on GCPS standards.

Click here for the full CDAT-STEM website

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