9th Grade Academy
9th Grade Academy
All 9th grade students, except for students who opt for CDAT 9, will participate in LHS 9th Grade Academy during academy time.
The LHS 9th Grade Academy is designed to assist students with the transition to high school.
The LHS 9th Grade Academy provides structured support in the following areas:
- Study skills
- Progress Monitoring by academy teacher, lead, administrator, and counselor
- Student Mentoring program led by LHS Peer Leadership students
- Specialized learning opportunities geared toward the specific needs of 9th grade students
- Introduction to LHS Academies, elective pathways, and other registration options for 10th -12th grade students.
- Quarterly celebrations of student success
- Leadership lessons based on Habitude principles
CDAT 9 is a program designed for students who prefer hand-on learning opportunities.
Students who opt for CDAT 9 will take 9th grade Language Arts, Chemistry, and Introduction to Digital Technology within the CDAT 9 block of classes. CDAT-Academy faculty members will teach these courses.
Students are NOT committing to a STEM Academy for high school; they are electing a project-based approach within CDAT during 9th grade.
CDAT 9 students will participate in many of the components of the LHS 9th Grade Academy listed above, but will also participate in project-based activities that connect to their learning.
Georgia Universities Admission Requirements
For admission to Georgia four year universities, students are required to pass specific courses in each academic area, including two units of Modern/Classical Languages.
Core academic courses, both required and elective, are included in calculation of the HOPE GPA for HOPE Scholarship Eligibility.
Please refer to the Incoming Freshman Information page for the basic high school graduation requirement breakdown
For additional information about graduation requirements, GPA calculations, and course sequences, please refer to the Freshman Handbook.
8th grade students enrolled in Algebra I, Physical Science (high school course), Spanish I, and/or Introduction to Business Technology may opt to accept these credits to count toward graduation requirements.
Please be aware of the following points:
- Parent will be required to sign the Carnegie Unit Credit Decision form at the end of the school year indicating whether the grade for the course(s) taken will be counted for middle school credit or as a Carnegie unit towards high school graduation. Students may not earn 1/2 Carnegie credit for courses.
- Courses that earn a high school Carnegie credit in middle school will not be used in the grade point average (GPA) calculation for high school, which determines class rank, valedictorian, honor graduate, etc.
- Courses that earn a high school Carnegie credit in middle school will not be used in GPA calculations for the HOPE scholarship according to current Georgia Student Finance Commission rules for HOPE.
- Both semester grades (not yearly average) will be used to determine credit earned. If the student successfully passes both semesters, a 'P' will be placed on the transcript and not a grade. A 'P' will equal 1.0 unit of credit earned.